Related things


  • Katalon-Concordia is a browser extension for Chrome and Firefox that converts recordings from Katalon Recorder (which is a capture-replay tool - that is, it records all the actions that you perform while interacting with the application under test in order the reproduce them later) to Variant sentences. That's very handful for discovering elements' identification in web applications (e.g., their id properties or their XPath) and obtaining Variant sentences with the corresponding interaction.

  • CLUI is a command-line tool that generates User Interface Prototypes (UIP) from Concordia features. It can help discussing features with stakeholders and accelerating their construction. Currently there is a customizable plug-in for HTML-based interfaces.

  • cc-graph is a command-line tool that generates an HTML page with an interactive graph that shows features files' relationships.


  1. PINTO, Thiago Delgado. Unifying Agile requirements specification quality control and implementation conformance assurance. 2018. Doctoral Thesis. Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Informatics Department, 2018.

  2. PINTO, Thiago Delgado; COSTA, Pablo Veiga; GONÇALVES, Willian Inácio. User Interface Prototype Generation from Agile Requirements Specifications written in Concordia. 2019. WebMedia'19: Proceedings on the 25th Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web, Rio de Janeiro, 2019. ACM. DOI:

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