Migration Guide

Migrations are only needed when upgrading to a major version. See Versions and Upgrade for more information.

To upgrade to a major version:

  1. Uninstall the current version, e.g.: npm uninstall -D concordialang

  2. Install the new version, e.g.: npm install -D concordialang

  3. Now proceed as described below (depending on your current version).

Note: For a global installation, replace -D with -g.

From 1.x to 2.x

1. Update your plug-in

Concordia 2 has a new plugin API, not compatible with plug-ins for Concordia 1. So uninstall your current plug-in and install a new one. Example:

npx concordia --plugin-uninstall codeceptjs-webdriverio
npx concordia --plugin-install codeceptjs-webdriverio

Alternatively, you can install one of the new plug-ins then change your configuration file to use it. Example:

npx concordia --plugin-uninstall codeceptjs-webdriverio
npx concordia --plugin-install codeceptjs-playwright
npx concordia --plugin codeceptjs-playwright --save-config

2. Install database drivers

Whether your Concordia specification access a database, you have to install the corresponding database driver. Concordia 2 does not install them by default anymore, as Concordia 1 did, aiming to reduce the amount of downloaded dependencies.

Concordia 2 has a new CLI option --db-install to help with that. Example:

npx concordia --db-install mysql

See Database Drivers to install the proper driver(s) for your application.

From 0.x to 1.x

1. Update your configuration file, if needed

Whether you project has a configuration file .concordiarc, open it with a text editor. If the file has a property "plugin" with the value "codeceptjs", you must change it to "codeceptjs-webdriverio".

2. Install the new plug-in

You can install any of the available plug-ins, currently codeceptjs-webdriverio or codeceptjs-appium. Example:

 concordia --plugin-install codeceptjs-webdriverio

See also

Last updated